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DoS Attack: - Don’t let your network to be a next victim

Understand the Dos Attack, how it can cause damage to the network.  Internet the network of a network was the wonderful result of many geniuses and intelligent guys who has changed the world totally. Now a day everyone is free to access the internet from any corner of the world and with any devices. It is not secure to surf on internet as the internet is now is the hub of infections like: - viruses, worms, attacks, malwares and most important the hackers. No one is secure if you are surfing on internet you must have to keep in mind what to do and what not to do then only you are secure otherwise not. Everything is now digitalized, no need to go anywhere sit at home and do what you want to do, if you want to pay the bills (electricity, telephone, mobile) pay it online, you want to do shopping go to online shopping site do it and get your product delivered at your footstep, you need to buy a electronics purchase online, why to go to bank to transfer money do it through internet b

Best Practice for securing the organization network.

The best and most important practice is the creation and enforcement of I.T security policies, there must also have the system specific rules to address the policies for the individual systems & data. The policies can address or point to any security controls from password to backup, applications to servers. The most important of all is the proper use of the I.T resources. Each and everyone in the organization must have to understand his responsibility, must use the I.T resources in a limit. All the I.T security policies or other policies have to be available in the organizations intranet. The best of all practice is to have DMZ (Demilitarized) zone . DMZ is logical network separating LAN ( Local Area Network ) from the Internet ( Untrusted Network. ). DMZ provides the extra layer of security as it restricts the attackers or someone else to access the internal servers and data via internet. Any service that is being provided to users on the Internet should be placed in the DMZ. T

Take Email Security seriously

Now a days Email or Electronic Mail has become the important part of entire organizations as well as per personal life, now a days 5-10 % are dependent or relays on postal mail. Approximate 1000’s of the mails are send & received by each of the organizations related to work as email has made our life easy, fast and convenient, we are  now able to get response of our mail within a second. Now a day’s as a technology is changing we have to take the security of our IT assets or resources seriously most important is of Email security. Now a days hackers are creative and they can create mail which look life professional mail (either from bank, form other organizations) asking for your personal details. Some hackers make a fraud mail which looks like professionals’ mail having the attachments photos or something else at the backend bind with virus so as soon you open the mail system got infected with virus and can be a risk to entire network. Organizations have to provide the awareness