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Best practice to keep online surfing/transaction safer.

As the time is passing day by day, year by year so the technology is also changing and among them is the internet making reach to the so far area around the world. The internet has made a drastic change from last few years and has change the entire world. Now approximately 90% of the world population is dependent on internet, connected to internet, as it is a modern (Technology) era everyone is using their own handheld devices (Mobiles, Tablets, Laptops) having internet connectivity. Now a day’s business are also going online (E commerceE Business) simply go to internet search the sites (service provider sites) select the product you wish to buy, add to card & make payment (Cash On Delivery (COD), Online payment) in easy steps the product is yours, ok this is little bearable/acceptable, now what if you don’t have the time to go to bank to open a bank account or to deposited the cash? No need to worry this is technology era banking sector has also started this facility online (E banking, Tab Banking) if you have a bank account then you can go for internet banking facility for easy transaction of money (Pay bills, recharge mobile, Transfer money from one bank account to another bank account in easy and smart way), as technology has totally changed our life and the way we think, but there is a drawback also you can easily be a next target or pray of cybercrime, hackers so smart that they can do anything what they wish to do, it is better to be aware what to do & what not to do?, when online.

Online scam, virus attack, fraud are common now a day’s some of them become the national/international news headlines.

Secure the system.

1.       Antivirus & Operating System Updates.
Make it sure that you always have Antivirus installed in your system as it will act as line of defense (defend against attack). If you don’t want to spend money on buying antivirus then best option is to move to Linux, if using windows then download Microsoft's Security Essentials which is free.

Keep in mind that yours antivirus & Operating system are up-to-date with latest patches as each days nth numbers of new form of viruses are created by the experts (Hackers/Bad Guys), either update the antivirus regularly or keep auto update on.

2.      Not only your Antivirus & Operating System be updated, but it is recommended to keep all the software installed in your system to be up-to-date as they can to be vulnerable.

3.      Recommended not to use/install java until and unless needed.  
According to my opinion not to keep installed java in the system when needed for some activity then only it and use then uninstall after the activity is completed.

The above 3 points are related to How to protect the system? Just basic.
Now what to keep in mind & what precautionary measure to take when you are online (surfing Internet/doing some money transactions.)

1.      Don’t ever do the internet banking from someone’s else/cyber café systems.

2.      Use unique and strong password.
Best practice is to keep password unique (different not your name, spouse name, pet name, children’s name, date of birth) and strong password (Use a minimum password length of 12 to 14 characters if permitted, include lowercase and uppercase alphabetic characters, numbers and symbols, keeping changing the passwords after a fixed period of time like after 45 days.)

3.      Use two factor authentication (2FA).
2FA is best practice to keep you on safer side when you are surfing internet. The password which you know is the form of one factor authentication (1FA), in 2 FA process your have are crossed verified two times to know that yes you are the only one who is calming to be but someone else, the 2 FA is very secure if by change your password is compromised you need not to be worry if someone is trying to login to your account (Mail, System) then you will the OTP through SMS on your registered or linked mobile when you will put the password then only the authentication will be successful and you will be able to access the account, the OTP duration is approximately 30 Seconds.

4.  Whenever you are supposed to have internet banking always check for (Https ://) in the browser this means this site is trusted, secure and save to use.

5.      Beware of the phishing and the spam and social engineering mails. If you are getting the mail from bank site asking for your password and user ID don’t provide them the detail as they can be a spam mail or social engineering acts as bank will never ask their customers such a thing.


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