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What Is Secure Web Gateway???

In order to setup the web Gateway in an organization in a securely manner, first thing that the implementation team need to understand is the organizational needs. Implementing the web Gateway in an organization in a securely manner is the most important and the challenging task as most of the alerts comes from the web only. The traditional firewalls are not smart enough to stop or defense against the modern virus attacks. Now a day’s most of the virus or attacks come from web.

What is Secure Web Gateway (SWG)?
A secure Web gateway is a type of security solution that prevents unsecured traffic from internet (Outside network) entering an internal network of an organization. It is used by enterprises to protect their employees/users from accessing and being infected by malicious Web traffic, websites and virus/malware.

It is generally implemented through a hardware/software gateway device. Some of the Web gateway application level control, data leakage prevention and virus/malware code detection.

The reasons why most of the organizations/customer invest on secure web gateways are as follows.

Malicious Software in short is called as Malware.

Malware is a can be a short program, code, software that has the power to interrupt or to disturb the normal processing of either a standalone computer or a group of computers connected together (Network) with the aim to fetch the important information or to keep the track of your activity or to provide the control of the computer to the attacker hands. The Virus, Backdoor, Trojans, RAT, Spyware, and Adware they all fall under the malware. The malware are designed only to cause harm to the computer. Some of the malware (Virus) are designed in such a way if they entered in the system can corrupt the operating system. 

Every organization have antivirus installed in their network and on the endpoints (Laptop, desktops, servers), but most antivirus are ineffective against modern malwares. The malware infected system often need to be format. Once the system got infected by malware, the malware quickly spreads across the network by replicate itself in files. It is very hard, difficult, and critical to detect the infection

Unauthorized and Unapproved Software’s, applications & Social Media/Social Networking Sites.
Most of the time it is observed that the users have the habit to download movies, live streaming, playing online games, downloading other applications and software which are not allowed in an organization as they chock and consumes unwanted internet bandwidth. As many of this downloads or sites are infected with malware and spyware putting security at risk.

The Secure Web Gateway filters (block) the traffic generated by the unapproved applications. Application white-listing this one feature of secure web gateway for application control which is in the liked, good list of both the customers and organizations.

Social Media/Social Networking sits/Online Shopping Site.
Online social networking and shopping sites are best for promoting the products and to be in touch with your old friend, relatives. As this is the easy way to be in touch with friend, making your shopping easy by simply choosing the product from the large scale of product and simply adding to the card, but it takes a lot of employee time at the working time thus reducing the productivity. By using Secure Web Gateway the organizations can block all the requested social media sits at works.

Data Leak Prevention (DLP).
Data loss prevention (DLP) is a strategy for making sure that end users do not send sensitive or critical information outside the corporate network.

Types of DLP:
1.       Network DLP.
2.       Endpoint DLP.


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